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Tyra Banks' Sexx Life insecure !

Monday, January 26, 2009
The talk show host supermodel is said to be very "insecure" about her hair and refuses to spend the night with men because she doesn't want to remove her long fake locks in bed.
Yes, well, what can I say – I was never one in favor of hair extensions and the likes, but – like many of you – I only started to appreciate just how terrible they can be after that historical moment in which Brit shaved her head and started sporting those hideous wigs and weaves that made it look like she had an ant farm lodged firmly on her head. So from that perspective, I do understand Tyra – the million dollar question being, just how bad does she look without her fake hair?
"Tyra is a confident woman for the most part, but she is really insecure about her hair. She doesn't want any guy to see her without her wigs or hair extensions. Tyra feels like guys are with her for her image that they see on TV and in magazines. If one wakes up without her glamorous hair, she's worried he may not call back! OK, now I'm really curious about what might be hiding beneath the wig. I mean, it has to be pretty scary if she'd rather not have sex than remove the fake hair. Really damn scary, I'd say. This would probably be a good time to call out to all the men out there who slept at least one night with Tyra. Come forward! Speak up! Share the horror! Tell us what you have seen! Just kidding.
Meanwhile, the 33-year-old star has confessed to being even more of a hypocrite than we already suspected. She admitted she doesn't like wine, but orders it in public just to look sexy. "Every now and then I'll order some wine at the table. I'll only take two sips, but I'll keep holding the glass cause it makes me feel sexy, but I still don't drink it because it still tastes kind of nasty to me. I feel like I've been very lucky because I don't really have an addictive personality. I'm not really an 'alcohol girl' and I'm definitely not a 'drug girl'." But she does seem to be a "fake hair" girl. Who said wigs can't be addictive?


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